Team Ownership Starts with Communication

In order to make “OWNERSHIP” a reality in your business and even at home, you need to be more intentionality in ALL communication. Different questions need to be asked (AND answered). Who owns what and what are the next steps? With this responsibility also comes a better understanding of personal capacity and a commitment to accountability and excellence. Each communication needs to be coupled with a “call to action.” Keep asking the same question…Who owns this and what are the next steps? When you constantly keep the “next step” in mind, you keep things moving and you answer the question, What’s it going to take to get things done?

When you transfer “ownership,” the first step is to communicate a clearly defined “ASK.” We need to define expectations when dealing with transfer of ownership. In order to take full responsibility (ownership), we need to expect and ask a lot more questions. Those questions will be the tool that focuses expectations.

What does “ownership” mean to each team member?

Pick an example of a recent task or project that went “undone” and talk about how that went down.

Now take that same subject matter and filter it through the following grid (of “ownership”):

Ask questions and gain more insight on the expectations of the person transferring ownership.

Commit to NEXT STEPS that will make this “talk” a “reality!”

Communicate how you will communicate the progress and then actually COMMUNICATE THAT PROGRESS.

In the end meet the deadline and be held accountable.

Basically, take ownership, say what you’re going to do and the simply DO IT!

Taking and understanding ownership makes you evaluate your capacity and then leads to proper communication, commitment, accountability and high-level effectiveness, efficiency & productivity.

To start this process, evaluate every line of communication from verbal to emails.

Don’t let communication stay in a “gray area!”

Each person who completely “owns” a task or project should be forced to ask more questions in order to effectively take that task to the next step and then ultimately to completion. Commitment to that “next step” is a critical part of the communication.

The goal is to evoke a “ownership” mentality for all team members, which means:

The culture needs to shift more towards intentionality in ALL communication.

Who owns what and what are the next steps?

With this responsibility also comes a better understanding of personal capacity and a commitment to accountability.

Each communication needs to be coupled with a “call to action.” Who owns this and what are the next steps?

If YOUR business life seems out of control, it’s probably because you’re taking on too much! Also, if your business life is out of control, I would bet your personal life is TOO! You shouldn’t have to choose between business, family, faith and a busy schedule. You can have PEACE—where you succeed at work and home, while fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. It’s YOUR choice! We’d love to help!


Faith-Based SMART Goals


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